Built in California.
Supporting sustainable businesses around the World.

Featured Product | TSP
TSP is the platform of choice for Energy utilities across North America to drive environmental sustainability initiatives amongst their supply network.
- $500k of Stripe-Connect charges transacted.
- 300k+ user profiles created.
- 400,000 API calls/day served.
The core technology that makes this possible has been Open Source since day one. Find DjaoDjin projects on GitHub »
DjaoDjin is proud to power many professional upskilling, assessments & certifications Web sites at the forefront of Environmental, Social and Governance policies.
Thank you.

TSP | SSCA-focused supplier questionnaires

A1Care | CDSS-approved online courses

A1Ceus | NYSED-accredited CEUs

TKey | CTCAC-compatible tenant certification
A Multi-level Platform Design
So everyone on your team can make changes in real-time
DjaoDjin builds a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) specifically designed for Product owners, Web designers, and Application developers to contribute updates, quickly deployed to live production.
Do you need technical skills to run pricing experiments?
You want to test if a 20% subscription discount for a one year commitment increases sales.
- How many people does it take to add pricing alternatives?
- Does the pricing page automatically reflect discounts?
One person. Yes. DjaoDjin builds the platform you can rely on
to do the work yourself and let application developers focus on the core
Do you need to call a developer to make copyedits?
You want to edit text on a functional page, like say, the registration page.
- How many people need to involved to make text edits on the registration page?
- How long does it take to publish a text update on the live production site?
One person. 1sec. DjaoDjin builds the platform you can rely on
to do the work yourself and let application developers focus on the core

Your application is API driven. Your customers are not.
When your subscribers receive an e-mail with a link back to your website, they must be redirected to the login page if necessary. After login, subscribers must be taken to the original destination.
Hopefully someone cannot just manipulate URLs and access information they are not supposed to.
So you start building a middleware layer to enforce security, maintain a consistent user experience, and stay sane!
DjaoDjin has built the secure billing-based access control middleware layer
for you. It is called djaoapp. If you don't trust us yet, look at the source
code on GitHub ».

Backed by real Humans
There are the mundane TLS certificates renewals. There is
the unexpected rise in registered users because a Bot found your sign-up page.
There is something new everyday...
With DjaoDjin managed hosting services, you can be at ease, knowing professional
system reliability engineers (SREs) are watching your back. And, when you need
help, you will always be able to speak with a human being.
We also partner with many certified software development agencies if you need professional services to integrate, customize, or develop your product.

- What does DjaoDjin mean?
- "Djao" is a salutation word in Northern Thai that translates to welcome. "Djin" refers to a spirit inhabiting trees, lakes and mountains in Africa. DjaoDjin is the Welcome Spirit. Learn About Our Values »

- Friction-less registration
- Email verification
- Welcome email
- Temporary disable registration
- Registered user notification
Account profiles
- Profile picture
- Standard default profile data fields
- Application-specific custom profile data
- Profile updated notification
- Delete profile (GDPR compliance)

- Shopping cart customized for subscription purchases
- Redeem discount at any point
- Option to pay multiple periods in advance
- HTML, Email, and PDF charge receipts
- Balance due notification
Subscription management
- Billing history
- Active and past subscriptions
- Unsubscribe-now option
- Monthly and yearly plans
- Renewal notification
- Expiration notification
- Engagement with product features
- Daily active users
- Recently active users
- Subscription plans
- Discounts
- Active and churned subscribers
- New, churn and total sales
- New, churn and total customers
- Income, backlog and receivables balances

Landing pages
- Homepage
- Pricing page
- Contact-us form
- Terms-of-use page
Access Control
- Role-based access control
- Billing-based access control
- Accept terms of use
- Multiple roles on a profile
- Multiple organization profiles per user
- Invite and accept role on a profile (double opt-in)
- Request and grant role on a profile (double opt-in)
- Session debugging tools
Error pages
- 40x Permission denied, not found, etc.
- 50x server error (Ooops)