
This page describes in broad strikes the major features the DjaoDjin team is actively working on.

The next releases are:

If you have any comment on the roadmap and/or have blocking issues, please always feel free to contact us.

Note to Application Developers:
You can always have a sneak preview of the current state of development by running the Docker containers built out of the main branch locally.

Autumn 2023

Guides, tutorials and onboarding

As your DjaoDjin'based Web product gains traction, you are bringing more staff onboard to deal with the inflow of customers. It can be a steep curb to train you team members on the various workflows. We heard you!

Autumn 2023 will be dedicated to bring more in-depth guides and tutorials for your team to quickly become efficient working with DjaoDjin and leverage more of the latest features.


Practices Survey Platform - Reporting

Through a synergy of Web products to host industry questionnaires and strong professional services for contacts validation, survey engagement and data verification, DjaoDjin provides a solid workflow to collect suppliers practices around environmental, social and cybersecurity governance. Insights dashboards cannot be easly changed to fit a procurement team focus. Reporting to higher management are mostly done manually. We intent to fix that in 2024.

Web Pages and practices editors

The online editors have a few quirks that make it difficult to edit significantly complex content databases, such as technical manuals for example.

The purpose of the features introduced in 2024 is to streamline workflow in order to be able to bring technical content to production faster.