Mental Preparation for the Future CEO
by Aurélie Pérez on Sat, 28 May 2016
Is it time for you to create your own company? Are you ready to begin
the amazing adventure which is entrepreneurship?
Today we are having a guest post from Aurélie Pérez, Advisor about
Happiness At Work on the mental preparation
you will need to become a CEO.
Transalated from French. Original post published on Happiness At Work
Is it time for you to create your own company? Are you ready to begin the amazing adventure which is entrepreneurship?
Congratulations on this bold decision, and welcome to the world of the CEO. With your work, you are going to create your vision, and have an impact on the evolution of the world.
To be sure that you are psychologically, emotionally and physically prepared, here is some essential advice:
To leave behind your employee status and become a CEO requires a shift in attitude. Now, you will have to negotiate contracts, choose reliable partners, make difficult choices and potentially recruit a staff. Make sure to follow the vision of your company in all of your actions, with clear thinking, simple communication and coherent, intentional acts.
Intuition AND action
Every person has two energies: a feminine energy called intuition, which allows one to create; and a more impulsive, masculine energy which emphasizes the ability to make decisions and apply knowledge at the proper moment. Always be sure to consider both of them, because it’s the combination of the two which constitutes the winning attitude.

Help me, I’m having second thoughts!
Yes, it can happen to anybody! Often it’s difficult to know exactly what we want, but easier to know what we don’t want anymore. Make a list with all the ideas which don’t correspond to you anymore, and the situation will get better. Take advice from benevolent people. They don’t have to give you their personal opinion and it isn’t necessary for them to approve of you, but they can help you to consider the situation with ‘new eyes’ and help you see what is best for you and your company.
To be the CEO of a company is a huge investment of time and energy, so you have to be efficient every day of the year. Every successful CEO has rest periods dedicated to other passions, whether they be sports, music, or travel. It’s often during these break periods that creative leaders have their best business ideas!
Avoid pitfalls
Ladies, being a CEO doesn’t mean acting like a man. You can be respected in the business world by simply being yourselves. Feminine persuasion is a powerful force that can be used in a natural way. You think and act like men don’t expect it.
Gentlemen, don’t think that you need to control everything in order to be respected. You have the right to complain, to doubt and to ask for help. Nobody has ever succeeded alone.
To all of you: asking for help from competent people is not weakness, it is proof of intelligence.
In conclusion
Your mental, physical and emotional health should be your main priority. Your employees are the wealth of your company. If you take care of both, you will build a viable and prosperous company!
More to read
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More business lessons we learned running a SaaS application hosting platform are also available on the DjaoDjin blog. For our fellow engineers, there are in-depth technical posts available.